
Password expiration in Google Apps

Is it possible, with Google Provisioning API, to set an expiration date to the password? Or to check when the password was set?

 <apps:login userName="NewUserName" 
  password="51eea05d46317fadd5cad6787a8f562be90b4446" hashFunctionName="SHA-1"

According to the protocol example there are only few fields but maybe some other fields are hidden like in other apis.


  • Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but no there is not.

    What you could do, is do a SSO but against Google Apps.

    Most of the documentation about SSO asumes that you need to authenticate against LDAP/Ad. But I have developed a few that authenticate directly against Google.

    There are 2 reasons: 1 - clients hate the "non-corporate" login screen 2 - I can enforce password expiration (part off the SSO is developing the password change)

    In theory, you could develop this in App Engine.

    Good luck!