Right now I have the following batch file that I use to process my images:
@echo none
cd %1
md "%~1\ProcessedJPEGS"
for %%i in (*.jpg) do "C:\Program Files\Image Optimization\jpegtran.exe" -optimize -progressive -copy none "%%i" "%~1\ProcessedJPEGS\%%i"
move /Y "%~1\ProcessedJPEGS\*.*" "%~1"
rd "%~1\ProcessedJPEGS"
As you can see, this is not ideal but my skills are laughable at best so I need some help here :)
What I want to accomplish is to run this batch in a directory and process all images recursively and overwrite them.
Thanks in advance, Arky
Based upon your command line, this should process all JPG files from the current folder and below. Test it on a sample set of files/folders to be sure it works for you.
@echo none
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir "*.jpg" /b /s /a-d') do (
echo processing "%%a"
"C:\Program Files\Image Optimization\jpegtran.exe" -optimize -progressive -copy none "%%a" "%%a.tmp"
move /Y "%%a.tmp" "%%a" >nul