I am trying to configure Warp as the default terminal in VSCode on Windows, but I am encountering some issues.
I tried adding Warp as a terminal profile in VSCode by modifying the terminal.integrated.profiles.windows
setting. I expected Warp to appear in the terminal dropdown and open as the integrated terminal. However, it does not show up, and VSCode defaults to PowerShell or Command Prompt instead.
press "F1" > open user settings json
add config :
"terminal.integrated.defaultLocation": "editor",
"terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": {
"warp": {
"path": "C:\\Users\\ronal\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Warp\\warp.exe", // path of warp.exe
// "args": ["/K", "C:\\cmder\\vendor\\bin\\vscode_init.cmd"]
"terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "warp",
usage: "f1" > "create new terminal"
edit "shortcut"