
BPEL Visual Designer Eclipse not well installed

This is the steps i followed to install BPEL Visual Designer into Eclipse Indigo 3.7.2....:

  1. Suppose that you have already downloaded and installed your Eclipse

    v3.6.2(Helios,or Indigo), version for Java EE Developers and JDK (version > 1.5).

  2. Open the Eclipse, go to the menu Help→Install New SoftWare.
  3. Click on the button Add and define a new Eclipe update site with the location:
  4. Now you have the update-site of BPEL available on the eclipse. Select the check box to BPEL Visual Designer and click on the button Next.

But when i restart Eclipse that the changes takes effect i don't find BPEL installed ==> no BPEL project when trying to create a new project.

Any ideas ?

The snapshot of the wizard after using the Eclipse Helios from WS02.

enter image description here

The snapshots of the Installation Details in Eclipse Helios from WS02.

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • Mansour, I tried to install Eclipse BPEL editor on a fresh eclipse pack (eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64). But I was able to install it successfully and able to created a sample project.

    I recommended to use Helios, not Juno because there are some known issues with Juno and BPEL designer.

    If problem still exist, you can use WSO2 Developer studio as an alternative. It has a fork version of eclipse BPEL designer with some more features.( E4X assign, humantask support etc.).