
Intel Edison getting started with mini breakout board and Eclipse -- need getting started guide

I have set up my Intel Eclipse mini breakout board using this getting started It is very good but only takes you to where you can talk to the Edison with Putty. That works. Then I used this guide I installed Eclipse and tried to run the "Hello World" example. I get an error "Error Starting Process" and details of "Launching Failed".

I turned to Google but I seem to be one of the first people to get this thing (Amazon delivered in under 24 hours). I looked on YouTube but find that all the relevant clips show "Watched" as I have already watched them.

Of course I tried the Intel Getting Started site. They say that their getting started guide is for their larger Arduino Breakout Board and that if you want a getting started guide for any other breakout board to look on the manufacturers site. But Intel makes the mini breakout board so this is very frustrating. I have confirmed that the Arduino Getting Started Guide does not work with the mini breakout board.

I need some guidance in just running any program into the Intel Edison Mini Breakout Board from Eclipse.

EDIT: WiFi WAP requires either a 5 or 13 character password. All I had was a 104 bit key. I set up a second router with a WPA password and now WiFi works. I still don't know how to connect the mini breadboard to Eclipse.

EDIT2: Solved by following this guide and entering the WiFi address as the requested ip address. I did not use the USB ip address nor did I try after previously having that fail.


  • The standard Start-up guide will not work with the mini breakout board. It only works with the Arduino* expansion board. What works is a combination of the two guides in my initial question but you must get WiFi working first.

    When you go through the "Getting Started for C/C++ (Eclipse) - Galileo & Edison" at one point it asks what the ip address is. Use the WiFi IP Address. I had initially used the USB IP address and that did not work. That was the point where I posted this question. After getting a side issue that I did not realize was connected and getting WiFi resolved, I used that WiFi IP address. Now it works. that said, it may be that you can get the USB IP address to work, it is just that I couldn't. As my application needs the USB port for reading data, I didn't want it for program loading anyway.

    In summary, get to the point where you can use Putty to get around Linux on the Edison with this tutorial or this video

    Then get Eclipse and C running using this getting started guide

    But get WiFi working first. Use WPA and not WAP in your router if you have trouble.