I've found lots of information about converting raw byte information into a human-readable format, but I need to do the opposite, i.e. convert the String "1.6 GB" into the long value 1717990000. Is there an in-built/well-defined way to do this, or will I pretty much have to roll my own?
[Edit]: Here is my first stab...
static class ByteFormat extends NumberFormat {
public StringBuffer format(double arg0, StringBuffer arg1, FieldPosition arg2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public StringBuffer format(long arg0, StringBuffer arg1, FieldPosition arg2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Number parse(String arg0, ParsePosition arg1) {
return parse (arg0);
public Number parse(String arg0) {
int spaceNdx = arg0.indexOf(" ");
double ret = Double.parseDouble(arg0.substring(0, spaceNdx));
String unit = arg0.substring(spaceNdx + 1);
int factor = 0;
if (unit.equals("GB")) {
factor = 1073741824;
else if (unit.equals("MB")) {
factor = 1048576;
else if (unit.equals("KB")) {
factor = 1024;
return ret * factor;
I've never heard about such well-known library, which implements such text-parsing utility methods. But your solution seems to be near from correct implementation.
The only two things, which I'd like to correct in your code are:
define method Number parse(String arg0)
as static due to it utility nature
define factor
s for each type of size definition as final static
I.e. it will be like this one:
private final static long KB_FACTOR = 1024;
private final static long MB_FACTOR = 1024 * KB_FACTOR;
private final static long GB_FACTOR = 1024 * MB_FACTOR;
public static double parse(String arg0) {
int spaceNdx = arg0.indexOf(" ");
double ret = Double.parseDouble(arg0.substring(0, spaceNdx));
switch (arg0.substring(spaceNdx + 1)) {
case "GB":
return ret * GB_FACTOR;
case "MB":
return ret * MB_FACTOR;
case "KB":
return ret * KB_FACTOR;
return -1;