I'm uploading triples to an AG store from a graph generated in python by rdflib. Some of the objects in my triples are floats, so I add them to the graph like this:
Literal(float(float_value), datatype=XSD.float)
When I serialize the graph using rdflib I get "0.8049"^^xsd:float
as intended.
But, after uploading it to the AG store, when I query the store, the literals I get back are like this (trix)
<typedLiteral datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float">8.049E-1</typedLiteral>
I've tried all sorts of combinations, like uploading it as a string "8049E-0"
, or just as a string "0.8049"
and such, but I haven't hit on the right incantation to get the decimal in the right place.
Any thoughts?
Not the first time I've made things more complicated than they need to be. These Literals aren't floats, they're just decimal numbers. XSD has a perfectly good datatype for these.
added to the graph in rdflib thus:
Literal(value, datatype=XSD.decimal)
returns from the AG store thus:
<typedLiteral datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal">0.8049</typedLiteral>
sorry for the noise, jjc