
Pass unmanaged member function pointer to be used by wrapper to connect it to the signal in c++/cli

I have implemented the Event Handling with Boost::Signal and Boost::Bind in my managed C++ file. Refered the Link:Boost::bind

Also I have created the function pointer in my native C++ file which is passed to my boost::Signal.Connect() as EventHandler in managed code. The code for function which is passed as function pointer in my Native C++

std::string NativeCplus::AddFunctionPointer( std::string message )  
return message;

and above function passed as boost::function object in another function NameChangeEvent() as below:

void NativeCplus::NameChangeEvent()
UnmanagedNameEvent* unmanagedNameEvent=new UnmanagedNameEvent();
boost::function<std::string (std::string)> f;

std::string name="abcd";

In the above code ,I have taken the boost::function and the function pointer is converted to that boost::function (f).(AM I RIGHT IN SAYING THIS?).Then the line unmanagedNameEvent->AddEvent(f,name) where boost::function(f) is passed to AddEvent(f,name) and this AddEvent(f,name) is implemented in my managed C++ code file. Below is my managed C++ Code which is being referred in the native c++ project:

//In my c++/CLI Wrapper.cpp

    declspec(dllexport) void UnmanagedNameEvent::AddEvent(boost::function<std::string (std::string)> f,std::string name)

                UnmanagedNameEvent* unmanagedNameEvent=new UnmanagedNameEvent();
//which should be like this.. unmanagedNameEvent->signalEventMessage.connect(bind(NativeCplus::f));


PROBLEM is I can't use the NativeCplus class to refer to its unmanaged function (i.e.f)as that will create a round dependency of dll file.Any workaround for this?All ears for any shorter solution!!


  • Here is a sample of what I understand you want:

    Your C++/CLI "wrapper":


    #include <boost/function.hpp>
    #include <boost/signals2.hpp>
    class __declspec(dllexport) Market
        private: boost::signals2::signal<void(double)> signalEvent;
        public: void AddHandler(boost::function<void(double)> handler);
        public: void Move(double value);


    #include "Market.h"
    #include <boost/function.hpp>
    void Market::AddHandler(boost::function<void(double)> handler)
    void Market::Move(double value)

    And your native app, test.cpp:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <boost/function.hpp>
    #include <boost/bind.hpp>
    #include "Market.h"
    class Investor
        public: void move_handler(double value)
            std::cout << (value >= 0 ? "Hey! I'm the best!" : "Wat! I'm losing my shirt! ") << std::endl;
    int main()
        Investor investor;
        Market market;
        boost::function<void(double)> move = boost::bind(&Investor::move_handler, &investor, _1);


    Hey! I'm the best!
    Wat! I'm losing my shirt!

    Hope this helps...