
What's the difference between $evalAsync and $timeout in AngularJS?

I've been using AngularJS for a little while now, and have found the need to use $timeout every once in a while (Seems to usually be to init a jQuery plugin).

Recently, I've been trying to get a better and more in-depth understanding of the digest cycle, and I came across $evalAsync function.

It seems like that function produces similar results to $timeout, only you don't give it delay. Every time I've used $timeout it has been with a delay of 0, so now I'm wondering if I should have used $evalAsync instead.

Are there any fundamental differences between the two? What cases would you use one over the other? I'd like to get a better feeling of when to use which one.


  • I recently answered essentially this question here: (That answer links to some github exchanges with Misko.)

    To summarize: