I have an automator application I wrote that uses some basic automator tools and incorporates in some AppleScript, and it saves and runs on my computer correctly (I am running OS X 10.7.5). I emailed it to a colleague running 10.8.4, and when she tried to open it an error appeared: You can't open the application "MyApp" because the Classic environment is no longer supported.
From what I understand classic support dropped in way earlier versions of Mac OS, and I don't understand why it should be giving me errors today, nor why my program written on a Lion machine would save in such an old state. Could there be a problem with the AppleScripts I am running? Or with the way I am saving the app?
I noticed that when I tried downloading the copy I emailed and running it I experienced the same problem on my machine. It launches fine from my computer, but the version downloaded from my email has the same problem.
Your software may be using Carbon technology which isn't supported anymore
Apple's Old Carbon API, An Upgrade Path from the Classic API
And/or your software may be using Rosetta to translate old Power PC (PPC) code: