
Movable Type: Create index page with MTTags

I want to make a index page (like you see one in beginning of dictionaries) with MTTags from a blog using MT5.1. There might be some jQuery solutions but I would love to accomplish this with Movable type tags. Here is what I have so far.

    <mt:Tags sort_by="Name">

I would like the result be like below:


- Apple
- apricot


- bee


- Cake
- Cinnamon


- Dog
- Dragon


  • First we need to isolate the first character:

    <$mt:TagName regex_replace="/(?<=.).*$/","" $>

    (that is a zero-width positive look-behind assertion) but we want it as capital letter, and to save it to a variable:

    <$mt:TagName regex_replace="/(?<=.).*$/","" upper_case="1" setvar="current_index" $>

    Now we only need to compare it to the last index, to see if we need to output the index header:

    <mt:Tags sort_by="Name">
      <$mt:TagName regex_replace="/(?<=.).*$/","" upper_case="1" setvar="current_index" $>
      <mt:unless name="last_index">
         # this is the first time
      <mt:else name="current_index" ne="last_index">
         # need to output the new index
      <mt:var name="current_index" setvar="last_index">
    <mt:if name="last_index">
        # close the list

    The html tags are left to the reader. :-)