I'm trying to join 3 tables in a CActiveDataProvider to help me order things fully and better. But I'm struggling to get the arrangement down properly. I've put comments to try and help outline what i'm after. I can do it in SQL fine, but i'd like to do it in Active Record ideally.
Item Table: FK = Area table ID
Area Table: Takes $id from function to select the area
Featured Table: FK = Item_id
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Item', array(
'criteria' => array(
'with' =>'sector', // and need 'featureditem'
'condition' =>'t.sector_id=:id', // t.id = featureditem.item_id
'params' => array(':id'=>$id), // is the area to search in
'order' => 'featureditem.item_id DESC',
It seems what you want can be achieved through a INNER JOIN
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Item', array(
'criteria' => array(
'with' =>'sector',
'condition' =>'t.sector_id=:id',
'params' => array(':id'=>$id),
'order' => 'fi.item_id DESC',
'join' => 'INNER JOIN featureitem fi ON fi.item_id=t.id',