Can doxygen+graphviz generate a list or a graph of all usage of a class/struct/typedef/enum/etc.? It would be like a caller graph, but not for functions.
The ideal graph would be like a reversed collaboration diagram. It would have all classes that uses the class of interest have an edge pointing to the node of the class of interest.
A list of (all function that uses the class of interest) and/or (all classes that have a member of the class of interest) would also be nice.
Is there such a functionality in doxygen+graphviz yet? Thanks.
The doxygen manual for graphs and diagrams lists, which kind of graphs could be created. I wasn't able to find a graph, like the one you are looking for, in that list.
The manual also states:
Warning: When you have a very large class hierarchy where many classes derive from a common base class, the resulting image may become too big to handle for some browsers.
My feeling tells me that your intended functionality, for e.g. a class like String, would go beyond the scope of any usefull usage. However my feeling might be wrong, but I'm inclined to say it's impossible, at least yet.