I want to call to context menu in my application.
The issue that I don't have any items in the tree.
I active my view and then I want to open context menu.
SWTBotView view = bot.viewByTitle("Project Explorer");
then I got error message
Could you please advise me how I can open contextMenu without any item in the tree ?
As there is no direct way to do this. I assume you have a shortcut for opening your context menu.
bot.activeShell().pressShortcut(<your shortcut>);
bot.waitUntil(new ContextMenuAppears(tree,
Where ContextMenuAppears is an ICondition which waits for the desired context menu to appear.
public class ContextMenuAppears implements ICondition {
private SWTBotTree swtBotTree;
private String mMenuText;
public TekstContextMenuAppears(SWTBotTree pSwtBotTree, String menuText) {
swtBotTree = pSwtBotTree;
mMenuText = menuText;
public boolean test() throws Exception {
try {
return swtBotTree.contextMenu(mMenuText).isVisible();
} catch (WidgetNotFoundException e) {
return false;
public void init(SWTBot bot) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public String getFailureMessage() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;