
Should you provide dependent libraries in client jar?

We're providing a client jar for other internal apps to connect to our app's REST API. Our API depends on a few standard Jakarta libraries. Is it a best practice to include those JAR files within our client jar file? Or do you just document the dependencies and it's up to the clients to ensure they have those jars on their classpath?


  • You should not bundle the any third party jars into your own jar as an uber jar, but it would be good to include a copy of all the jar's that are required in your distribution say in a lib directory or what ever.

    The main reason for this is that your clients may be using some form of dependency management system (maven/ivy etc) and providing packages and classes that don't actually belong to your project will invalidate these schemes.

    There is one alternative and that is to use something like the maven shade plugin to relocate your dependencies into your own package namespace. This of course has the down side that you will increase the code size of your library but on the up side you can almost guarantee the versions of your dependencies with out effecting any other libraries your clients may be using.

    EDIT: in response to Marcus Leon comment:

    Possible solutions with out bundling/relocating:

    In the end it is extremely hard to actually ensure you have the dependencies you want as java is a late bound language it is possible to have your dependencies (even if bundled) overridden by somebody including a different version before yours on the classpath.

    Note: I've recently spent a very bad day trying to find out why one of our apps failed to find a new version of log4j. the cause: somebody trying to be helpful had bundled it into a random completely unrelated jar.