I just started to use Juno for a couple of days, the content assist mechanism seems different from what it behaves before.
For example, if I try to declare a variable
Boolean isVisible
The content assist of Juno will give you a drop-down list with the variable name
as hint.
And the very annoying thing is that no matter what I typed in(; or SPACE), the "isVisibleBoolean" will be selected.
Does anybody know how can I disable the auto-variable-type-appending thing?
Much appreciated.
I'm using Mac OS X 10.8.1 currently, haven't tested it yet in windows.
Based on the discussion for Eclipse Bug 412992, check your Content Assist Auto Activation settings: Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist
If, for example, characters a-z are listed as "Auto activation triggers for Java", you can remove them and the type name will not be auto-appended to a new variable name when you hit ' ' or ';'. It's up to you to determine the best configuration/tradeoffs for your style based on the available options.