
How to activate programs on windows from Linux machine

First I will explain my target

Target - execute programs or scripts on my windows machine from my Linux machine

I find the winexe tool – this tool perform remotely executes commands on remote windows machine from my Linux – very nice,

real example about winexe tool , and how it works:

The following example syntax should open the IE on my windows machine from my Linux (very nice )

  ./winexe -U login%password -W WORKGROUP //remore_machine_ip "cmd /k    cscript C:/open-explorer.vbs"

open-explorer.vbs script looks like that:

 Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
 WshShell.Run "iexplore", 9

So now I will explain the problem ..... Regarding the winexe syntax I see that winexe actually execute the open-explorer.vbs script but !

IE not really popup/opened? On my windows???

But when I run/exe the open-explorer.vbs script on my windows the IE (google) explorer opened successfully

So why IE opened from windows machines and not by the winexe tool? I guess because the winexe can’t see windows ENV ? Or maybe something else?

Please advice – how to open the IE on my windows machine by winexe tool

what need to add/change/replace in my winexe syntax to open the IE on WIN ?

WINEXE tool syntax

       ./winexe -U login%password -W WORKGROUP //remore_machine_ip "cmd /k    cscript C:/open-explorer.vbs"

 login - WIN login
 password  - WIN password
 remore_machine_ip - WIN ip address

winexe site -


  • According to the documentation of winexe:

      Desktop interaction: 0 - disallow, 1 - allow. 
      If you allow use also --system switch (Win > requirement). 
      Vista do not support this option. 

    So --interactive=1 --system should do the trick.