
Print all unique integer partitions given an integer as input

I was solving a programming exercise and came across a problem over which I am not able to satisfactorily find a solution. The problem goes as follows:

Print all unique integer partitions given an integer as input.
Integer partition is a way of writing n as a sum of positive integers.

for ex: Input=4 then output should be Output=

  1 1 1 1
  1 1 2
  2 2
  1 3

How should I think about solving this problem? I was wondering about using recursion. Can anyone provide me an algorithm for this question? Or a hint towards solution. any explanation for such kind of problems is welcome. (I am a beginner in programming world) Thank you!!


  • I would approach it this way:

    First, generalize the problem. You can define a function

    printPartitions(int target, int maxValue, string suffix)

    with the specification:

    Print all integer partitions of target, followed by suffix, such that each value in the partition is at most maxValue

    Note that there is always at least 1 solution (provided both target and maxValue are positive), which is all 1s.

    You can use this method recursively. So lets first think about the base case:

    printPartitions(0, maxValue, suffix)

    should simply print suffix.

    If target is not 0, you have to options: either use maxValue or not (if maxValue > target there is only one option: don't use it). If you don't use it, you should lower maxValue by 1.

    That is:

    if (maxValue <= target)
        printPartitions(target-maxValue, maxValue, maxValue + suffix);
    if (maxValue > 1)
        printPartitions(target, maxValue-1, suffix);

    Combining this all leads to a relatively simple method (coded in Java here and I reordered the statements a little to obtain the very same order as you described):

    void printPartitions(int target, int maxValue, String suffix) {
        if (target == 0)
        else {
            if (maxValue > 1)
                printPartitions(target, maxValue-1, suffix);
            if (maxValue <= target)
                printPartitions(target-maxValue, maxValue, maxValue + " " + suffix);

    You can simply call this as

    printPartitions(4, 4, "");

    which outputs

    1 1 1 1 
    1 1 2 
    2 2 
    1 3 

    You can also choose to first create a list of all solutions and only print afterwards, like this:

    function createPartitions(target, maxValue, suffix, partitions) {
      if (target == 0) {
      } else {
        if (maxValue > 1)
          createPartitions(target, maxValue-1, suffix, partitions);
        if (maxValue <= target)
          createPartitions(target-maxValue, maxValue, [maxValue, ...suffix], partitions);
    const partitions = [];
    createPartitions(4, 4, [], partitions);