I'm working on WebSphere Portal 8.0 and I am trying to make portlet with few faces. Can anyone share with me how can I make a simple link to other JSF site within one portlet? I mean, I was trying to use this, but it doesn't work:
<h:outputLink value="page2.xhtml">
<h:outputText value="take me to the page2" />
I'm redirected to the misterious link but I would like to stay on the same site but change face in this single portlet.
I have got answer.
If you want use GET, use this:
<h:link value="take me to the page2" outcome="page2" />
Or by POST use:
<h:commandLink action="#{menager.navigateToPage2}" value="take me to the page2" />
and in faces-config.xml
and the class:
public class Menager {
public String navigateToPage2() {
return "page2";
and if you use WebSphere Portal add this, to the faces-config.xml: