
Change only default's user's signature via API in Gmail

I have added another email address I own to my gmail account. I have a signature for the default account and another one for the secondary.

Now, what I want to do is to change via API the signature of the default account. If I use email setting API as it is written in the documentation:

client = gdata.apps.emailsettings.client.EmailSettingsClient(domain='yourdomain')
client.ClientLogin(email='adminUsername@yourdomain', password='adminPassword', source='your-apps')
client.UpdateSignature(username='liz', signature='')

it changes both signatures, the one of the default account and the one of the secondary account.

Is there any way of changing only the default's account's signature via API?



  • There is unfortunately no way to do this. The Email Settings API signature update method will update all signatures for the given user.