I'm trying to write a helper method for my Controllers to determine if the device is mobile so that I can load the appropriate template. This is what I got so far:
def isMobile[A](implicit request: Request[A]): Boolean = {
request.headers.get("User-Agent").exists(agent =>
if (agent.matches("/(iPhone|webOS|iPod|Android|BlackBerry|mobile|SAMSUNG|IEMobile|OperaMobi)/"))
else false)
This will not work since the user agent do not only provide us with the device but a string containing a whole lot of nice stuff eg:
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A403 Safari/8536.25
What is the proper way of parsing this info? Should I create a dictionary with user agents and see if the current string contains one of them? Create a major crazy regexp that matches different user-agents? Maybe there is some scala library that I haven't found that do this?
Thank you!
One way to do this is of course, as Sniffer suggested, do a partial match with unanchored
like this:
val Pattern = "(iPhone|webOS|iPod|Android|BlackBerry|mobile|SAMSUNG|IEMobile|OperaMobi)".r.unanchored
def isMobile[A](implicit request: Request[A]): Boolean = {
request.headers.get("User-Agent").exists(agent => {
agent match {
case Pattern(a) => true
case _ => false
Maybe there is some other better way?