
Super Dev mode in GWT

I'm new to gwt. I don't know how to start up Super Dev mode. I need the detailed explanation step by step.

I have tried editing gwt.xml file by adding

<add-linker name="xsiframe"/>
  <set-configuration-property name="devModeRedirectEnabled" value="true"/>
  <set-property name="compiler.useSourceMaps" value="true" />

but i cant get the idea about this.


  • Follow these steps, you 'll definitely find the solution.

    1. Download the GWT 2.5 RC2, and put it somewhere...I put it in my eclipse/plugins directory. link

    2. In Eclipse, add GWT 2.5 to the Project -> Properties -> Google -> Web Toolkit -> Configure SDKs screen, and select the 2.5 version that you have added to the directory in the step above.

    3. Right click on the project in Eclipse, go to its Run Configurations window, and create a new "Java Application", name it something like "GWT Super Dev Mode".

    4. While in the Run Configurations window, do the following:

      1. Set the project based on your project name, and type in the main class as

      2. On the Classpath tab, click user Entries, then click Add External JARs, navigate to the GWT 2.5 directory, and find the gwt-codeserver.jar, and click "Open" (and other external libraries).

      3. In the Arguments tab, add -src src/ *SOURCE PATH OF YOUR PROJECT* to Program arguments, and add optional -Xmx1024m to VM arguments.

      4. Click Apply, then go ahead and Run the project.

    5. After this you will get a URL like, localhost:9876/

    6. Goto that URL, and bookmark, Dev Mode ON and Dev MOde Off then run your code, remove the suffix gwt.codesvr=127.00.1:9997 in the URL. Now click Dev Mode ON...

    Hope you get the solution...