I have a text file with many lines. I want to store each line in a vector of strings. I want to read from the file until the last line is reached. I used the EOF function but it seems to store blank lines after the last line also. Here's a snippet of my code. text_list is a vector in which all the lines of the file are stored.
void TextBuddy::storeDataFromFileInVector(string filename){
ifstream infile;
int numbers;
string textMessage;
while (!infile.eof()){
getline(infile, textMessage);
eof() does not look into the future. So, when you are right before EOF, you will read it also into your vector and probably corrupt it.
A better way to read all lines into a vector is:
string line;
while(getline(inFile, line)
Your loop will break once you've read an EOF or when any other error has occured.
Another method is using iterators and the algorithm library:
copy(istream_iterator<string>(inFile), istream_iterator<string>(),
It's up to you which one you prefer.