I got this code to covert size in bytes via PHP.
Now I want to convert those sizes to human readable sizes using JavaScript. I tried to convert this code to JavaScript, which looks like this:
function formatSizeUnits(bytes){
if (bytes >= 1073741824) { bytes = (bytes / 1073741824).toFixed(2) + " GB"; }
else if (bytes >= 1048576) { bytes = (bytes / 1048576).toFixed(2) + " MB"; }
else if (bytes >= 1024) { bytes = (bytes / 1024).toFixed(2) + " KB"; }
else if (bytes > 1) { bytes = bytes + " bytes"; }
else if (bytes == 1) { bytes = bytes + " byte"; }
else { bytes = "0 bytes"; }
return bytes;
Is this the correct way of doing this? Is there an easier way?
From this: (source)
Unminified and ES6'ed: (by the community)
function formatBytes(bytes, decimals = 2) {
if (!+bytes) return '0 Bytes'
const k = 1024
const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals
const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB']
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k))
return `${parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm))} ${sizes[i]}`
// Demo code
document.body.innerHTML += `<input type="text" oninput="document.querySelector('p').innerHTML=formatBytes(this.value)" value="1000"><p>1000 Bytes</p>`
Minified version (by StackOverflow's community, minified by JSCompress)
function formatBytes(a,b=2){if(!+a)return"0 Bytes";const c=0>b?0:b,d=Math.floor(Math.log(a)/Math.log(1024));return`${parseFloat((a/Math.pow(1024,d)).toFixed(c))} ${["Bytes","KiB","MiB","GiB","TiB","PiB","EiB","ZiB","YiB"][d]}`}
// formatBytes(bytes, decimals)
formatBytes(1024) // 1 KiB
formatBytes('1024') // 1 KiB
formatBytes(1234) // 1.21 KiB
formatBytes(1234, 3) // 1.205 KiB
formatBytes(0) // 0 Bytes
formatBytes('0') // 0 Bytes
PS : Change k = 1000
or sizes = ["..."]
as you want (bits or bytes)