
how to make scriptom work with soapUI

I want to use scriptom to access COM objects in soapUI but i am not able to get beyond step 1, i.e., installing scriptom.

I have tried the steps mentioned in but when i run a simple command(see below)

import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.*
def tdc = new ActiveXObject ('TDApiOle80.TDConnection')

i get a class not defined error(see below) enter image description here

Has anyone been able to successfully use scriptom with soapUI? If yes can you please help me?

ps: i am using soapUI 4.5.2 Pro and OS. I need scriptom to work with both.


  • I was able to make this work by following these steps

    1. Install groovy or download the latest groovy binary

    2. find out the java.library.path in soapUI using["java.library.path"]

    3. copy the scriptom jar files in the soapui_HOME/bin/ext folder

    4. copy the jacob*.jar file in soapui_home/bin/ext folder
    5. copy the jacob*.dll (both) into the java.library.path location from step 2. This is usually the soapUI_home/bin folder
    6. restart soapUI and verify that you can see messages in the soapUI log that the jars were loaded.
    7. run a simple scriptom code to verify that the setup worked. I used the below code.

      import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.*

      // instantiate Internet Explorer def explorer = new ActiveXObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

      // set its properties explorer.Visible = true explorer.AddressBar = true

      // navigate to a site by calling the Navigate() method explorer.Navigate("")

    And that's it...