
How do I add foundation with grunt to a ember.js app kit project

I'm trying to setup my first Ember.js app with Ember AppKit, grunt, and compass. The appkit ships with support of compass out of the box via grunt-contrib-compass but I can't figure out for the life of me how to install Zurb-Foundation, or at least not "properly."

As far as I can tell, grunt-contrib-compass doesn't provide a wrapper around compass's install method. I could duplicate the compass.js task settings for a compass config file but it seems like there should be a way to do this without duplicating the data.

Alternatively, I guess I could just copy everything over manually but that cuts off my path for easy upgrades.

Any help would much much appreciated.


  • This is how I added foundation to my ember-app-kit project.


      "name": "ember-app-kit",
      "dependencies": {
        "ember": "http://builds.emberjs.com.s3.amazonaws.com",
        "handlebars": "1.0.0",
        "jquery": "~1.9.1",
        "qunit": "~1.12.0",
        "foundation": "~4.3.2",
        "momentjs": "~2.1",

    bower install

    The sass task looks like this:

    module.exports = {
      compile: {
        files: {
          'tmp/public/assets/app.css': 'app/styles/app.scss'

    I'm only compiling one file.

    The app.scss file:

    @import "foundation_config";
    @import "foundation_includes";
    @import "mixins/index";
    @import "fonts/index";
    ... truncated for brevity

    The _foundation_config.scss file is the foundation variables

    The _foundation_includes.scss file is where I include the modules that I'm using.

    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/normalize";
    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/global";
    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/grid";
    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/visibility";
    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/block-grid";
    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/type";
    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/buttons";
    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/forms";
    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/custom-forms";
    // @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/button-groups";
    // @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/dropdown-buttons";
    // @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/split-buttons";
    // @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/flex-video";
    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/section";
    @import "../../vendor/foundation/scss/foundation/components/top-bar";
    ... truncated for brevity 

    I hope this is helpful.

    Cheers Dave