
DICOM Render not showing all slices (with possible fix)

I had 88 DICOM image importing into a 2D Render, but only 8 where showing. Using Chrome's developer tools I was able to see that all data (88 slices) were loaded. However, the V.MRI.pixdim was incorrect (reporting a slice thickness of 9+ where it was 1.5). Tracked the area to parserDC.js line 95. My locations were coming in as text, and when sorted as text were sorting wrong. The below code seems to have solve my problem on a limited test basis:

MRI.location.sort(function{a,b} {return a-b; })



  • Thanks for the update.

    Can you share the anonymized data set so we can have a look?

    Also, which version of XTK are you using?
