
How to create lines with Athens?

I have no clue how to create lines with Athens. I took a look at Cairo docs but I cant see how Athens is related to Cairo.

In the above link I cant find any equivalent for cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1); I tried to look inside Athens but is nowhere to be found. Overall I find the Athens architecture quite confusing though Cairo looks simple. Any idea how to makes this work ?


  • There is no separate canvas commands which represents 'draw a single line' action in Athens. Instead one must generate path representing the line:

    surface drawDuring: [:canvas | | linePath |
    linePath := canvas createPath: [:builder |
         moveTo: lineStartPoint;
         lineTo: lineEndPoint
    stroke := canvas setStrokePaint: Color red.
    stroke width: 10.
    canvas drawShape: linePath.

    You can look at Athens-Tutorial, where various aspects of path creation, using of stroke paints and filling shapes explained in examples.