When trying to compile a Susy/Compass document I'm getting Undefined mixin 'if-rem'
It's this line that's causing it:
I'm using:
Thanks :)
Like the error message says you should define if-rem
mixin before include it. So you have two options:
Import _unit.scss into your style. This is the susy partial that contains the if-rem
mixin declaration
// Imports
@import "compass/utilities/general/clearfix";
@import "compass/css3/box-sizing";
// add _unit.scss path here, or elsewhere before the @include
@import "susy/units";
Include the if-rem
mixin directly into your code, you should also include the variable or if-rem
mixin will return an error:
// Whether to output fallback values in px when outputting rems.
$rem-with-px-fallback: true !default;
// Here is the`if-rem` mixin declaration
@mixin if-rem($property, $values, $use-px-fallback: $rem-with-px-fallback) {
$has-rem: false;
@each $value in $values { $has-rem: if(unit($value) == 'rem', true, $has-rem); }
@if $has-rem { @include rem($property, $values, $use-px-fallback); }
@else { #{$property}: $values; }