I'm trying to ensure that my collection expires documents older than 2 weeks using the ming ODM mapper:
class SloData(MappedClass):
class __mongometa__:
session = session
name = 'slo_data'
indexes = ['application']
custom_indexes = [
# expire records after two weeks
dict(fields=('datetime',), expireAfterSeconds=14*24*60*60)
_id = FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId)
datetime = FieldProperty(schema.DateTime)
value = FieldProperty(str)
application = RelationProperty('SloApplication')
def ensure_indexes():
for mapper in ming.odm.Mapper.all_mappers():
But when I drop the collection and re-ensure the indexes, the expireAfterSeconds index is not set:
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"datetime" : 1
"ns" : "performance.slo_data",
"name" : "datetime_1",
"background" : true,
"sparse" : false
Currently declaring indexes on Ming through the declarative interface only accepts the sparse and unique options. You can achieve this by using session.impl.db.collection_name.ensure_index
which directly exposes the pymongo API. Simply put this inside your def ensure_indexes
method so that it is performed whenever the database is initialized