I am using IIS 8.5 (Windows 8.1). I tried to create a website to my local IIS using the appcmd
I used those pages as reference (I know they are for IIS 7 but I couldn't find the equivalent for IIS 8):
Here is the command I used:
appcmd add site /name:fakeAbsorbApi /physicalPath:C:\development\ecms\build\deploy\fakeAbsorbApi /bindings:http:/*:9898
I receive the following feeedback:
SITE object "fakeAbsorbApi" added
APP object "fakeAbsorbApi/" added
VDIR object fakeAbsorbApi/" added
but if I check my IIS Manager, it shows the website as "unknown," and I can't do anything with it. (It seems that the web config is not being detected)
I tried to create the same website using the same parameters via IIS Manager (pointing to the very same folder) and the website it created works perfectly.
Anything I am missing?
Hey it looks like you have an extra colon on the bindings flag. Also you need to add a host header after the port number. I fixed it below.
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>appcmd add site /name:fakeAbsorbApi /physicalPath:C:\development\ecms\build\deploy\fakeAbsorbApi /bindings:http/*:9898:www.domain.com