
knockout style binding is not updating

I've got the following markup:

<div data-bind="foreach: ReportsByPriority">
    <h2><span data-bind="text: Priority.Name"></span> Priority <span class="more-info"></span><span class="info small" data-bind="text: Priority.Description"></span></h2>
    <ol data-bind="foreach: ReportReplies" >
        <li><span data-bind="text: Name"></span<br/><br/>
            <input type="checkbox" name="ViolationCorrected" id="ViolationCorrected" data-bind="checked: ViolationCorrected"/>
            <span data-bind="style: { color: (ViolationCorrected == true ? '#3c801b' : 'red')}">Violation Corrected</span><br/><br/>

I am using the mapping util to convert my server model into a knockout model. When the page loads, everything looks correct, but when I try to check or uncheck my ViolationCorrected checkbox, the color of the text doesn't change. In the console when I type this:


It is showing the correct and updated value of each checkbox, but the color of the text doesn't change. If in console it's showing an updated value, it's definitely a working observable and capturing the changed value, so why doesn't the style binding color check on the span change to reflect that?


  • You need to get the value of the observable since you are doing conditional logic -

    <div data-bind="foreach: ReportsByPriority">
        <h2><span data-bind="text: Priority.Name"></span> Priority <span class="more-info"></span><span class="info small" data-bind="text: Priority.Description"></span></h2>
        <ol data-bind="foreach: ReportReplies" >
            <li><span data-bind="text: Name"></span><br/><br/>
                <input type="checkbox" name="ViolationCorrected" id="ViolationCorrected" data-bind="checked: ViolationCorrected"/>
                <span data-bind="style: { color: (ViolationCorrected() === true ? '#3c801b' : 'red')}">Violation Corrected</span><br/><br/>

    The reason it works on load is because ViolationCorrected is a function and therefore is not equal to false, and anything not equal to false is equal to true.