
How to remove movieclips that contains specific word in instance name

I have a situation where i am trying to remove certain movie clips that do not have any instance name given to them , they are created dynamically , i can find the movieclips by using the below code :

for (var i:uint = 0; i <worldc1.numChildren; i++){

  trace (worldc1.getChildAt(i).name );


however as i know that some default instance name is assigned to each movie clip , that starts with word "instance" ...

How can i remove all such movie clips that have word "instance" in their name ...

Or best how i can remove a movieclips that has no instance name assigned to it and are dynamically created ....

I tried using the contains but its not working .....

Thanks in advance ...



  • Try using this function:

    removeClipsWithNameContaining(worldc1, "instance");
    function removeClipsWithNameContaining(target:DisplayObjectContainer, str:String):void {
        var clips:Array = [];
        for (var i:uint = 0; i < target.numChildren; i++){
            if(target.getChildAt(i).name.indexOf(str) != -1) clips.push(target.getChildAt(i));
        var c:int = clips.length;       
        while(--c > -1) target.removeChild(clips.pop());