I am trying to load a name from a file that has several special characters, and if it is in the file (looks like meno: Marek Ružička/
), I display it:
QFile File("info/"+meno+".txt");
QVariant Data(File.readAll());
QString in = Data.toString(), pom;
pom = in.split("meno:").at(1);
ui->label_meno->setText(trUtf8("Celé meno: ")+pom);
The part trUtf8("Celé meno: ")
displays well, but I can't find how to display the string in pom, it alone looks like Marek RužiÄka
, using toUtf8()
function makes it Marek RuþiÃÂka
I've tried to convert it to stdString
too, but it doesn't work either.
I am not sure if the conversion from QFile to QVariant and to QString is right, if this causes problem how to read data properly?
Try this:
QTextCodec* utf = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
QByteArray data = <<INPUT QBYTEARRAY>>.toUtf8();
QString utfString = utf->toUnicode(data);
qDebug() << utfString;