
Problems running NetLogo with BitDefender

Pretty frustrating, yet hopefully small problem I'm running into. I've just downloaded and installed NetLogo 5.0.5 for my windows 8 machine, standard install in to Program Files (x86). When I try to run the .exe I get this error message

The JVM could not be started. The maximum heap size (-Xmx) me be too large or an antivirus or firewall tool could block the execution.

I've been through the NetLogo User guide recommended protocols of accessing the .vmoptions file and changing




in order to solve the max heap size issue, but I'm still receiving the same error message. I'm assuming therefore that it has something to do with my antivirus or firewall. I've recently switched my antivirus from Norton Internet Security to Bitdefender, and this is when the problem started to appear.

Any suggestions?

Much thanks!


  • Googling "BitDefender Java" gives a bunch of results indicating that BitDefender is aggressive about blocking Java-based software (such as NetLogo). The most useful-seeming link I see is:

    but you might try the search yourself and see what you turn up.

    So it seems this primarily a question about BitDefender, rather than primarily a question about NetLogo. If you need help configuring BitDefender, perhaps someone here can help you. Or, you might have better luck at http://forum.bitdefender.com or http://superuser.com than here; Stack Overflow is primarily for programming questions.