I have a js file with following content:
function do_this(){
a = '{1}';
function do_that(a){
b = b + 1;
// vim: set fdm=marker fmr={,} :
When it folds it shows following:
function do_this(){
a = '{1}';
function do_that(a){ +-- 3 lines_____________
// vim: set fdm=marker fmr={,} :
I expect both functions to be folded. I guess "a = '{1}';" is getting in the way. Is there a way to fix this using only the custom marker "{,}" within the modeline?
Unfortunately foldmarker
does not allow regex matching, as specified by :h fmr
. Therefore it will only match a literal string, so there's no way getting around the a = '{1}'
in your example. However, it seems like what you really want is
// vim: set fdm=syntax fdls=1 :
let javaScript_fold=1
in your ~/.vimrc