In our company in the CI machines maven local repository is purged before every build. As result my build logs always have a bunch of noise like this
Downloading: http://.../artifactory/repo/com/codahale/metrics/metrics-core/3.0.1/metrics-core-3.0.1.jar
4/2122 KB
8/2122 KB
12/2122 KB
16/2122 KB
18/2122 KB
18/2122 KB 4/480 KB
18/2122 KB 8/480 KB
18/2122 KB 12/480 KB
18/2122 KB 16/480 KB
18/2122 KB 16/480 KB 4/1181 KB
18/2122 KB 16/480 KB 8/1181 KB
18/2122 KB 16/480 KB 12/1181 KB
Is there an option I to be able to disable the download progress indication?
mvn -B ..
or mvn --batch-mode ...
will do the trick.
will suppress the output of downloading messages at all without suppressing the other output.