
How to activate features of EPIC Perl plugin for Eclipse

I just downloaded the EPIC Perl plugin for Eclipse and then opened a Perl script (.pl) contained within an existing C++ project. The editor does not have syntax highlighting or any of the other promised features of EPIC. The only thing that has changed is that the script has a camel icon in the Project Explorer.

I open a different .pl file in a different directory within the same project and it works (syntax highlighting).

How do I activate the features of EPIC for the first file?

I'm using Eclipse Kepler on Windows 7.

(the only thing I can think of is that the first file was open in Eclipse before I installed the plugin, the second file was not. But closing/reopening the file and/or Eclipse does not fix the problem)


  • Right-click on the the file in the Navigator, choose "Open With" and then "Epic Perl Editor".