
What the math behind such animation trajectories?

What's the math behind something like this? C++ perspective.

enter image description here

More examples on this MSDN page here.

UPDATE: Was asked for a more concrete question. What's the math/animation theory for Penner's tweens^? How do you come up with those formulas? What are the math principles they are based on?

Me and math, we are not BFFs! I'm working on a multi-FLOAT value animator for a UI thing I'm writing and I was wondering what's the math from a native C++ programmer's point of view for generating such a trajectory.

Googled and found code but I'm also looking for a bit of theory from a programming perspective... not just code or pure math. I can whip the code I need together from what I found online but I'd like to understand it in the process. Like this site that allows one to experiment with an easing function generator.

I could also use the Windows Animation Manager (and I might if things get bloody), but that operates on a single float. And just animating RGB requires animating each FLOAT by itself. It leads to huge code-bloat... very bad.

If anyone has some hints, I would very much appreciate it. I'm looking mainly for theory from a programming perspective. The end goal is to write a bunch of different animation algorithms that can animate a set of FLOATs from their initial values to their target values in a period of time or speed and such.

The plan is not just to get the code written, but also to understand what goes on behind it. And then maybe get creative with this animations... unless these prove to be some rigid standard math functions.


  • Math is math is math.

    A good tutorial on Riemann Sum will demonstrate the concept.

    In fundamental programming, you have a math equation that generates a Y value (height) for a given X (time). Periodically, like once a second for example, you plug in a new X (time) value and get the height back.

    The more often you evaluate this function, the better the resolution (this is where the diagrams of a Riemann sum and calculus come in). The best you will get is an approximation to the curve that looks like stair steps.

    In embedded systems, there is not a lot of resources to evaluate a function like this very frequently. The curve can be approximated using line segments. The more line segments, the better the approximation (improves accuracy). So one method is to break up the curve into line segments. For a given x, use the appropriate linear formula for the line. Evaluation of a line usually takes less resources than evaluating a higher degree equation.

    Your curves are usually generated from equations of Physics. So not only do you need to improve on Math, you should also improve on Physics.

    Otherwise you can search the web for libraries that handle trajectories.

    As we traverse closer to the hardware, a timer can be used to call a method that evaluates the trajectory function for the given X. The timer helps produce a more accurate time value.

    Search the web for "curve fit algorithm", "Bresenham algorithm", "graphics collision detection algorithms"