
Data Exchange between 2 Applications

I have two applications
the first one programmed using C the second with VB.NET

i want to Execute the first one and keep status updated to the second

is there a way to do that ?

i can change the source code of any one of them


  • OK, in VB you need to implement an interface between the two programs so you can pass parameters between them.

    In program1 (the calling program) I set this up:

    Dim oType As System.Type
    Dim oAssembly As System.Reflection.Assembly
    Dim oObject As System.Object
    oAssembly = Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("C:\VB.NET\report3.exe")
    oType = oAssembly.GetType("report3.r1") ' this is [root_namespace.class name]
    oObject = Activator.CreateInstance(oType)
    oObject.SetParams("a", "b")

    This causes report3.exe to run and sends it the "a" and "b" parameters as values.

    Then in program2 (report3.exe), I set it up like this:

    Imports System.Reflection
    Public Class r1
        Implements IPlugin
        Public person As String = ""
        Public address As String = ""
        Private Sub r1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            Me.TopMost = True 'optional
            Dim b1 As New Label()
            With b1
                .Location = New Point(10, 10)
                .Width = 200
                .Height = 20
                .Parent = Me
                .BackColor = Color.Blue
                .ForeColor = Color.White
                .Text = person
            End With
        End Sub
        Public Sub SetParams(c As String, d As String) Implements IPlugin.SetParams
            person = c
            address = d
        End Sub
        Private Sub call_addr()
            Dim b2 As New Label()
            With b2
                .Location = New Point(10, 50)
                .Width = 200
                .Height = 20
                .Parent = Me
                .BackColor = Color.Red
                .text = address
            End With
        End Sub
    End Class
    Public Interface IPlugin
        Sub SetParams(ByVal c As String, ByVal d As String)
    End Interface