I am trying to use inotify with a select() call.
The time_out is set at 3 secs. I cannot seem to get it to work.
The select always returns zero.
Code snippet,
fd_set fds;
//fd is descriptor for inotify_init
FD_SET(fd, &fds);
struct timeval time_wait;
i = 0;
res = select(fd , &fds, NULL, NULL, &time_wait);
if (ret == -1) {
printf("Error occured in inotify read \n");
if(ret == 0) {
//always triggers
printf("timed out \n");
//Never reaches here
printf("Event occured \n");
If I do not use select, it works fine. And it also works well with poll().
I also tried inotify_init1() with IN_NONBLOCK
Can someone tell what I'm doing wrong?
First of all, the first argument to select
is the highest descriptor in any set plus one. So in your case it should be fd + 1
Secondly, the select
function modifies the sets, so you need to add the descriptors every iteration in the loop.