
Network Flow - Simulating a network of water pipes

I'm trying to devise an algorithm that will simulate a network of pipes with multiple sources and multiple sinks of specific capacity.

So far I have tried using the classic Ford-Fulkerson algorithm but the issue i run into is this, given the following graph:

   / \
  B   C

Given S with a source capacity of 1, and both B and C with a sink capacity of 1 - a flow will result S - a - B, saturating B to 1 and leaving C with flow 0.

I'm trying to distribute flow uniformly across the network, so that both B and C receive 0.5. Any ideas?



  • Say you have n sources s1, ..., sn with source capacities ci and m sinks t1, ..., tm. Let f = sumi ci. We want to find a feasible flow in the network where every source i has a net flow of -ci and every sink has a net flow of f / m.

    We can solve this by introducing a super source S and a super sink T and connecting each of the sources i to S via an edge (si, S) of capacity ci. We connect each ti to T via an edge of capacity f / m. Then we just run max-flow with source S and sink T.

    If it is not possible to push exactly f / m units of flow to each sink, it is not clear what you want to optimize, but you might find the following two approaches useful: