
Connecting to a DBF in Visual Basic

We have a Windows application that stores data in DBF. I need to connect to a certain table a_sname.dbf and extract the SN_ACCOUNT, SN_CURRBAL and SN_CRLIM columns to a text file to be imported by another application.

The text file ideally needs to look like.

10             100            1000
20             200            2000

The above is an example only.

At the moment I am looking to at least get connected to the DBF.

I have BASH scripting with Oracle SQL knowledge but the Windows side is all new to me. I have the drive mapped to Z:\.

Update 1: Here is the script that I'm testing.

Option Explicit

Dim sDir : sDir = "Z:\"
Dim sCS  : sCS  = Join(Array( _
        "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" _
      , "Data Source=" & sDir _
      , "Extended Properties=""dBASE IV;""" _
), ";")
Dim oCN : Set oCN = CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
oCN.Open sCS
Dim oRS : Set oRS = oCN.Execute("SELECT SN_ACCOUNT,SN_CURRBAL,SN_CRLIM FROM a_sname.dbf")
Do Until oRS.EOF
   WScript.Echo oRS.Fields(0).Name, oRS.Fields(0).Value

I am getting the error message Microsoft JET Database Engine: External table is not in the expected format..

Update 2: Here is a screenshot of the table information of a_sname.dbf.

enter image description here

Update 3: It works! Here is the query that I am using.


Here is the echo that I am using.

WScript.Echo oRS.Fields(0).Value, oRS.Fields(1).Value, oRS.Fields(2).Value.

Is it possible to pipe all this to a text file and have the columns spaced more evenly?

enter image description here


  • According to the source your connection string for the ADODB.CONNECTION should look something like this:

    Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\FileServer01\Server VFTP Dynamic\Data;
    Extended Properties=dBASE IV;User ID=Admin;Password=;

    Your first (test) query could be

    SELECT * FROM [a_sname.dbf]

    In case of trouble, I'd

    1. map \\FileServer01\Server VFTP Dynamic to a drive letter, change the connection string accordingly and try again
    2. use Data Sources to establish a connection interactively/with help of a GUI and use this experience to build the connection string


    Some tested code to increase your confidence:

    Option Explicit
    Dim sDir : sDir = "\\gent\eh\...etc...\testdata\dbf"
    Dim sCS  : sCS  = Join(Array( _
            "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" _
          , "Data Source=" & sDir _
          , "Extended Properties=""dBASE IV;""" _
    ), ";")
    Dim oCN : Set oCN = CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
    oCN.Open sCS
    Dim oRS : Set oRS = oCN.Execute("SELECT TOP 2 * FROM [tblAbles]")
    Do Until oRS.EOF
       WScript.Echo oRS.Fields(0).Name, oRS.Fields(0).Value


    cscript 22934726.vbs
    RTATID 2
    RTATID 3

    Troubleshooting I:

    1. In the code you published, sDir contains a file spec ("Z:\a_sname.dbf"), not a folder/directory spec
    2. Windows ??, ?? Bit (do you need to work in a 32 Bit environment?)
    3. ADO Version? WScript.Echo CreateObject("ADODB.Connection").Version

    Troubleshooting II:

    1. Make sure a_sname.dbf is a valid .dbf (of version ?) by opening it using some other tool (Excel, Access, ODBC, ...)
    2. Tweak the "dBase IV" property

    Troubleshooting III:

    1. see here for getting the version from the file header

    2. use a GUI (e.g. Data Sources) to find possible values for "dBase XX"

    Troubleshooting (not dBase!) IV:

    1. According to the source, you can/must(?) use a VFP specific connection string: maybe
      Provider=vfpoledb;Data Source=C:\MyDataDirectory\;Collating Sequence=general;

    2. Perhaps you need to download a provider DLL (be carefull wrt versions!)