I am trying to DRY up some of my specs. I extracted an Assertion class that does a couple of should
s ... but most of the RSpec expectation magic is not working anymore.
I'll try to construct a simple example, to show my problem.
The object under test:
class Foo
def has_bar?; true; end
My assertion class:
class MyAssertions
def self.assert_everything_is_ok
@foo = Foo.new
@foo.has_bar?.should == true # works!
@foo.has_bar?.should be_true # undefined local variable or method `be_true`
@foo.should have_bar # undefined local variable or method `have_bar`
My spec:
it "tests something" do
@foo = Foo.new
@foo.should have_bar # works!
MyAssertion.assert_everything_is_ok # does not work, because of errors above
Why can I not use the syntactic sugar of rspec expectations in my plain old ruby object?
After some more trying I came up with this solution:
class MyAssertions
include RSpec::Matchers
def assert_everything_is_ok
@foo = Foo.new
@foo.has_bar?.should == true # works!
@foo.has_bar?.should be_true # works now :)
@foo.should have_bar # works now :)
The trick was to include
the RSpec::Matchers
module. And I had use instance methods instead of class methods.