I am building a UI that has several layers of nested routes. I came to a scenario where I want to nest something under an implicit indexroute. Now I have to define that index route and the nesting beneath, or not?
Here is a screenshot what I am trying to achieve:
My router that is trying to implement this:
this.resource('usergroup', { path: '/tippspiele/:usergroup_id' }, function(){
this.resource('usergroup.index', { path: '/' },function(){
Unfortunately the UsergroupIndexIndex template is not rendered by default. And within the view tree I can't see it either.
This is how this setup looks in ember inspector:
I also have added a manual Link in order to check if I can link to the indexIndex but the outlet for the subtemplate stays empty.
Template name should be given as follows:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="usergroup/index/index">
// template content
This is the corresponding route:
App.UsergroupIndexIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
// return the model
return [];