
Ember-Table with Fixture Adapter

I am trying to load an ember table using Ember-Data and Fixtures. I can see the rows generated in the table , however they are empty. Note that it does generate the correct number of rows, it just does not show data. If I use an array instead, everything works properly. Also, if I remove the table and just do {{#each}}, data shows just fine too. Any ideas would be welcome! Thanks

here is the html:

    <div class="table-container">

And here is the controller:

App.CustomersController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
    numRows: 1,
    columns: function() {
    var nameColumn, typeColumn, phoneColumn, identifierColumn;
    nameColumn = Ember.Table.ColumnDefinition.create({
        columnWidth: 150,
        textAlign: 'text-align-left',
        headerCellName: 'Name',
        getCellContent: function (row) {
            return row.name;

    typeColumn = Ember.Table.ColumnDefinition.create({
        columnWidth: 150,
        textAlign: 'text-align-left',
        headerCellName: 'Type',
        getCellContent: function (row) {
            return row.type;

    phoneColumn = Ember.Table.ColumnDefinition.create({
        columnWidth: 100,
        textAlign: 'text-align-left',
        headerCellName: 'Phone',
        getCellContent: function (row) {
            return row.phone;

    identifierColumn = Ember.Table.ColumnDefinition.create({
        columnWidth: 150,
        textAlign: 'text-align-left',
        headerCellName: 'ID',
        getCellContent: function (row) {
            return row.identifier;

    console.log('in columns func');
    return [nameColumn, typeColumn, phoneColumn, identifierColumn];

content: function() {
    /*var temp= [
            id: 1,
            name: 'Seller',
            type: 'Supermarket',
            phone: '1-800-Sell',
            identifier: '12345'
            id: 2,
            name: 'Sell',
            type: 'Supermarket',
            phone: '1-800-Sell2',
            identifier: '12356'
    return temp;*/

return this.store.toArray

(note the commented array that works is also included above)

And the model:

App.Customers = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
type: DS.attr('string'),
phone: DS.attr('string'),
identifier: DS.attr('string')


  • When you use an array, the objects are turned into real objects as opposed to being Ember.Object. You should be able to use:

    getCellContent: function (row) {
      return row.get('name');

    To select the data on each row properly.