
Login backend in TYPO3 with Proxy

I use TYPO3 6.2 on Ubuntu behind a Proxy.

When I want to login in the backend, all the times I have this error :

Your login attempt did not succeed

Make sure to spell your username and password correctly, including upper/lowercase characters.

But I'm sur, the username and the password are good cause I try to create an other usr in the install fill and I have the same error with the new user.

I tried to change this conf but that doesn't work too.

[HTTP][adapter] = curl 
[HTTP][proxy_host] = http://proxy
[HTTP][proxy_port] = port
[SYS][curlUse] = 1
[SYS][curlProxyServer] = http://proxy:port

Edit : I don't use SSL

Edit2 : I need perhaps add something in my conf with Apache (It's compulsory to use proxy)

<VirtualHost exemple.com:80>
        DocumentRoot /var/www/
        ServerName exemple.com
        ServerAlias www.exemple.com
        <Directory /var/www>
                Order Allow,Deny
                Deny from all
        ProxyPass /exemple/ http://exemple1.local/

        ProxyPassReverse /exemple/ http://exemple1.local/

        DocumentRoot /exemple/
        ServerName exemple1.local/
        <Directory /exemple/>
                Order Allow,Deny
                Allow from all


  • After multiple tries, I may say that it's not possible to do it like I would like.

    As of now, I'm using two ServerNames instead.