The Zeus gem works as expected on MacOSX, however, on a Linux box it exhibits the issues described (and unresolved) here:
Terminal: "zeus start" gives "exit status 1" briefly, then the colourful terminal interface shifts down one line and it hangs, all lines "waiting" (coloured yellow).
sudo apt-get install golang
(On MacOSX it was "brew install go")
gem install zeus -v 0.13.3.rc2 --pre
(Have also tried "gem install zeus -v 0.13.3.rc2" and "gem install zeus" with a gem uninstall and recreation of initialisation files zeus.json and custom_plan.rb each time)
gem list
(One version of Zeus installed)
bundle show
(Zeus not bundled, as expected)
zeus init
(Also tried alternatively removing zeus.json and custom_plan.rb)
Also not working on MacOSX on colleague's machine:
> sudo brew install go
Warning: go-1.0.3 already installed
> gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
method_source (0.8.1)
zeus (0.13.3)
> rbenv version
Ok so I have ssh access to a Linux box (Ubuntu) which has got Zeus working on it with the same codebase. What diagnostics can I use to determine/compare what it has different to my local machine? I'm looking into dpkg --get-selections for now
gem list
was showing the installed json version (1.5.4).
bundle show
was showing the installed json version (1.7.7).
An update on the issue here suggests that json version could be the problem; given that zeus is installed with the ruby version and not with the gemfile (it shows under gem list) I ran:
gem install json --version 1.7.7
gem uninstall json --version 1.5.4
rm zeus.json
rm custom_plan.rb
zeus init
zeus start
However this does not fix the problem for me, and on the mac where it is failing, Json 1.7.7 is installed.
I had been having this same issue, and none of the troubleshooting steps listed for this issue were successful in resolving it for me.
After much hair-pulling and facedesking, I managed to get Zeus working by the following steps:
from your Gemfile.bundle clean --force
to remove ALL unused versions of ALL gems from your system. This seems to be the important part of the fix -- zeus does NOT like finding multiple versions of gems hanging around, even if they're not in use.gem uninstall zeus
and remove ALL installed versions of zeus.gem install zeus
to get only the latest version (in my case, this was 0.15.1).bundle install
to make sure that all necessary gems are installed.After this I was able to boot zeus with no issues, for the first time in a week.