using raw SQL when I use the IN statement inside a query using sequel's fetch function, I can't escape a single quote by writing where stuff IN ...
db.fetch("query...where IN (?)", "#{@values}")
outputs query...where stuff IN ('stuff1'',''stuff2')
instead of ('stuff1','stuff2')
Quite frustrating that I'd probably have to write a Sequel equivalent for the raw query or use a different ORM just because of this escape issue. Any thoughts?
If I understand the Sequel documentation correctly, using String#lit
or Sequel.lit
should turn a Ruby string into a literal string and bypass the automatic escaping mechanism; therefore, this should work (untested):
db.fetch("query...where IN (?)", "#{@values}")
The usual caveats when working with raw SQL strings (SQL injection attacks, inefficient SQL due to forced re-parsing of statements etc.) apply :-)