The following code throws the error "TypeError: Cannot read property '$pristine' of undefined" when I click the "check" button.
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
// other stuff
.controller('Ctrl2', function($scope) {
$scope.product = {description:'pump'};
$scope.output = 'unknown';
// uncomment to avoid undefined error, still can't see $pristine
// $scope.formHolder = {};
$scope.checkForm = function() {
$scope.descriptionTest = $scope.product.description;
if ($scope.formHolder.productForm.$pristine) {
$scope.output = 'yes';
if ($scope.formHolder.productForm.$dirty) {
$scope.output = 'no'
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div >
<ng-include ng-controller="Ctrl2" src="'myForm.html'"></ng-include>
<form name="productForm" novalidate>
description: <input type="text" name="description" ng-model="product.description"/>
<button ng-click="checkForm()">Check Form</button>
Form Pristine: {{output}}
I can see the description: {{descriptionTest}}
The problem is that my Ctrl2 can't see the productForm. At first I thought this had to do with the prototypical inheriting that ng-include does when it makes a child scope, so I tried adding a variable in Ctrl2:
$scope.productForm = {};
This got rid of the error, but my controller still wasn't correctly seeing $pristine or $dirty.
I finally got it working by adding a $scope.formHolder object above the productForm:
.controller('Ctrl2', function($scope) {
$scope.product = {description:'pump'};
$scope.output = 'unknown';
// uncomment to avoid undefined error, still can't see $pristine
$scope.formHolder = {};
$scope.checkForm = function() {
$scope.descriptionTest = $scope.product.description;
if ($scope.formHolder.productForm.$pristine) {
$scope.output = 'yes';
if ($scope.formHolder.productForm.$dirty) {
$scope.output = 'no'
<form name="formHolder.productForm" novalidate>
Why does this work? And is there a better way to do this?
I ended up this way because I had a working form & controller / template that I wanted to reuse somewhere else. I should probably make a directive, but everything worked fine except the $pristine and $dirty features of the form--all the ng-model vars were passed correctly.
How can I set a form contained inside a ng-include to be prestine? has an answer that "breaks all the rules" but seemed more complicated.
When I write when does the form Controller add $pristine to the scope, and to what scope?
Edit / Answer:
My original question can be boiled down to confusion about how the form directive writes to the scope. I had the impression that it would take the thing in
<form name="productForm">...
and add properties to it, like
$scope.productForm.$pristine = function() {...}
however, it writes directly on top of productForm:
$scope.productForm = formObject;
So, the form object is stored in the Child and not the parent as explained in the selected answer.
The key nugget in child scope inheritance that helped me is that the chain is consulted in reading, but not writing. So if you set something like = '123', while it looks like a write, it first has to do a read to find out what myThing is. Whereas setting childScope.myThing = '567' is a direct write, and doesn't involve looking at the parent chain at all. This is all better explained in: What are the nuances of scope prototypal / prototypical inheritance in AngularJS?
To understand why the solution with formHolder
work you have to understand JavaScript prototypes chain first. Let's illustrate the first case without formHolder
in the following pseudo code:
$parentScope = {
//I'm a parent scope inside Ctrl2
productForm:{} //to avoid undefined reference error
$childScope = {
//I'm a child scope created by by ng-include
__protototype__: $parentScope
When the form
directive is parsed it creates FormController
which is set on the $scope
property under key indicated in name
attribute value. This is pretty much equivalent to:
$childScope.productForm = $formCtrl;
After which the 2 scopes look like this:
$parentScope = {
//I'm a parent scope inside Ctrl2
productForm:{} //to avoid undefined reference error
$childScope = {
//I'm a child scope created by by ng-include
productForm: $formCtrl
__protototype__: $parentScope
So you actually ended up with 2 properties on different scopes holding different objects. Now in the second case you have the following situation:
$parentScope = {
//I'm a parent scope inside Ctrl2
formHolder:{} //to avoid undefined reference error
$childScope = {
//I'm a child scope created by by ng-include
__protototype__: $parentScope
When the form
directive is setting FormController
instance on the $scope
this time it uses different property chain:
$childScope.formHolder.productForm = $formCtrl;
Which is equivalent to writing:
var formHolder = $childScope.formHolder; //since formHolder isn't defined on $childScope
//the JS runtime will look for it in the prototypes chain and find it inside $parentScope
//so here formHolder is the very same object you created and set on $parentScope
formHolder.productForm = $formCtrl;
Hope it helps to understand why the second option works. As for the second part of you question - your solution is simple and perfectly viable - but there are couple of other ways to handle it which is best depends on the actual usage context: